About Elderplan

Elderplan provides high-quality and affordable Medicare Advantage and long-term care plans for New Yorkers.

As a not-for-profit health plan, our mission is to ensure that our members receive the comprehensive benefits they need and deserve.

We take great pride in our unique 5-star Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) plan*, the only one of its kind in New York State. Our commitment to excellence drives us to tailor our Medicare Advantage plans to fit the changing needs of Medicare and dual Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries at every level of health.

Elderplan’s Medicare Advantage Plans go beyond the benefits covered under Original Medicare, offering additional advantages such as prescription drugs, hearing, vision, dental, and more.

Committed to Health Equity

We understand that staying healthy is not always as simple as seeing a doctor or taking prescribed medications. Unfortunately, gaps in access to quality health care based on race, ethnicity, and financial stability are still prevalent. Consistent with our values, Elderplan is committed to health equity, closing these gaps in care, and ensuring that all our members have access to high-quality programs and services.

At Elderplan, we are more than just a health plan; we are your partner in health, committed to enhancing your quality of life and ensuring you receive the best possible care as your needs evolve.

Part of MJHS Health System

Being a member of Elderplan/HomeFirst offers the unique advantage of being part of the MJHS Health System family. Should you require additional support over time and choose to receive services from MJHS, your Elderplan team can collaborate with colleagues across the system to enhance your care coordination and simplify the process for you. This includes accessing services such as home care, short-term rehab, hospice and palliative care, as well as care at our two skilled centers: MJHS Isabella and Menorah Centers for Rehabilitation and Nursing Care. With MJHS leading the way to great care, you can be confident in receiving the highest quality and support.

Elderplan MAP is the only 5-Star plan in New York State. This is the highest rating a plan can achieve.*  The New York State Department of Health rates and rewards MAP plans based on their performance on quality measures related to patient safety, preventive screenings, quality of life, satisfaction, and overall health status.

*Based on the most recent results from the DOH Consumer Guide published October 2023

Nurse assisting elderly man with walker